The Israeli experience can perhaps be very instructive. Over the past decade a major revisal of the entire system of teacher education has taken place in the country, first via the drawing up of conceptual guidelines, and for the past year and a half their implementation in the field. In an online presentation:
The New Frameworks for Teacher Education in Israel: Rationale, Conceptual Perspectives and Implementation
Professor Tamar Ariav will discuss the two stages of this new framework. Professor Ariav, the president of Beit Berl Academic College in Israel, and a lecturer and researcher in numerous educational fields, served as chairperson of the committee that developed the rationale of the new framework, as well as of the implementation committee. Her perspective on both of these aspects of the development "The New Framework" can be particularly instructive to all educators concerned with issues of teacher training.
The online session will take place on Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 19:00 - 20:30 GMT+2. In addition to the lecture, time will (of course) be devoted to questions and discussion.
Please note - participation in this session is open to paying participants and requires downloading and installing the Interwise online communication tool. More information on these, and registration, can be found at: