This blog is approximately a week old, and though it isn't being kept secret, it's far from in the public eye. The only people who viewed it in its first few days of existence were the OLE people who are responsible for it - and who wanted to take a look.
But yesterday, according to the Google Analytics that any responsible blogger who wants to know if anybody is actually reading what he or she writes checks (at least occasionally), views of the blog jumped last night to about thirty.
The obvious reason for this jump was a bit of advertising. Last night we held an online session (okay, a lecture from me [Jay], but that's a different story) and mentioned this blog. It's a very good guess (and perhaps even the only logical guess) that participants who were told about the blog typed in the URL and took a look. That's nice to know - and it was nice to see those visits. But we're not fooling ourselves - if nothing else happens here, those people who took a look (maybe that's you, by the way) aren't going to take more than one or two more.
So? Well, the next step seems pretty obvious - REACT! Even before the upcoming Interwise sessions, if you've got an opinion, or a question, relating to ThinkAloud, or to the New Framework for Teacher Education in Israel, add a comment about these. Hey, you can even comment on last night's lecture.
It's nice to see that people actually took a look at this blog, but if they're going to continue to do so, we need some action here.